IIT Madras had Ranked 1st for 3rd time consistently in a row. It was established in 1959. It was acquired in 617 Acres Campus. IIT Madras is 14km away from Chennai’s Airport & 12 km away from Railway Station. 1,47,215 is the total fee, according to our sources.

The most crucial part of every college is Placement. Every major company that recruits in India recruit from IIT madras. Every Package for CSE fluctuates around 20 lakhs INRThe highest Package allowed is 1.33 crores. Google, Benz, Samsung, apple comes here.
The faculty is highly qualified.
In the Sports section, it has Football ground, hockey, cricket, volleyball tennis ground. They have Gyms, indoor games, etc… There are almost 20 Hostels! It has two shopping centers, Banks,24×7 medical. Facilities.
Annual cultural fest. I called SARANG.

largest student-run Fest in India with 75000+ footfall. Many celebs, artists come over here.

Your future is bright over there if you acknowledge it properly

Below are the most asked questions about IIT Madras that are answered/solved by our research team.
Is IIT Madras a good school?
Yes, Obviously, IIT Madras is a good school because IIT Madras had Ranked 1st for 3rd time consistently in a row. According to the World Ranking, it is 639, which is a good number.
Which course is best in IIT Madras?
As per Our Sources, IIT Madras has the three best courses: petroleum engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering.
When was IIT Madras founded? Your future is bright over there if you acknowledge it properly
Established in 1959.
What is the size of IIT Madras?
It was acquired in 617 Acres Campus, and it is pretty big.
How to reach IIT Madras
IIT Madras is 14km away from Chennai’s Airport & 12 km away from Railway Station.
What are the total fees of IIT Madras?
1,47,215 is the total fee, according to our sources.
Is it difficult to get into IIT Madras?
Yes, It’s challenging to get into IIT Madras
Saarang IIT Madras sponsors
One Plus, Nokia, Zomato, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Jio were the past sponsors.
All the images are authentic and self-click by my friend RAHURAM CHANTHRAKUMAR. He is Mtech Student in IIT Madras. His small contribution helped us make our blog more exciting thankyou for helping us.Â
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